Chenopodium bonus-henricus (Chenopodiaceae) - Good King Henry

Commonly known as Good King Henry, this perennial vegetable in the amaranth family was an important pot herb for Europe until it was supplanted by spinach. The young greens can be eaten in the spring andmthe shoots can be peeled and eaten like asparagus. If cut back in mid-summer it wy ill put out a flush of new greens that persists into fall. The plant takes at least a year to establish and it is better to not harvest anything for the first year or so. A trait that seems common amongst perennial edibles. It also resents transplanting, so pick the site well. Seems to prefer some protection from late afternoon sun and a well drained soil.


Ceanothus Americanus (Rhamnaceae) Red root or New Jersey tea


Cimicifuga (Ranunculaceae) Black cohosh