Eryngium (Umbelliferae)
Sometimes known as Sea Holly, a well known part of dried arrangements because of the uniquely colorful thistle-like flowers. Eryngium contains nearly 250 species worldwide with center of diversity in South America. They grow best in a sunny well drained location. The roots have been used medicinally by many native people around the world. Cut back seed heads to control seeding and to encourage a second bloom. A beautiful contrast in the sunny border, flowering in July and August.
Sometimes known as Sea Holly, a well known part of dried arrangements because of the uniquely colorful thistle-like flowers. Eryngium contains nearly 250 species worldwide with center of diversity in South America. They grow best in a sunny well drained location. The roots have been used medicinally by many native people around the world. Cut back seed heads to control seeding and to encourage a second bloom. A beautiful contrast in the sunny border, flowering in July and August.
Sometimes known as Sea Holly, a well known part of dried arrangements because of the uniquely colorful thistle-like flowers. Eryngium contains nearly 250 species worldwide with center of diversity in South America. They grow best in a sunny well drained location. The roots have been used medicinally by many native people around the world. Cut back seed heads to control seeding and to encourage a second bloom. A beautiful contrast in the sunny border, flowering in July and August.
Our selections
We currently have two species. The native North American species, E. Yuccifolium is on of my favorites! The plant can grow 5’ tall with long sword-like leaves. E. Planum is an Asian species. It grows 2’-3’ tall with electric blue, thistle-like flowers.