Campanula (campanulaceae) Bellflower

The campanulas are a massive family of plants of over 400 species and many ornamental varieties in a variety of shapes and sizes. They are easily recognized by the bell shaped flowers and delicate foliage. We have several species chosen for their tidy habit and persistent blooms. My favorites are the low growing, mound forming plants that tuck nicely in the front border. They do well in well drained soils and full sun or partial shade. Colchllearifolia, garganica, and portenchlifolia fit this category. Rotundifolia has rounded leaves and a kind of gangly habit with 20 in, wiry stems and sky blue flowers. The common name is Scottish bluebells. The more common cut flower version, persislifolia can grow from 2-3 ft. and come in a wide variety of colors depending on the cultivar. It also has kind gangly habit, but seems more compact in full sun.


Calycanthus floridius (Calycanthaceae) Carolina spice bush


Cassia Marilandica, or Senna Marilandica (Fabaceae) - Wild Senna