Salvia (Lamiaceae)
The name salvia comes from the latin salveo, “I heal”. Most people in the US think of the culinary sage, officinalis, but it is a world wide genus with over 900 species of herbs and shrubs used as ornamentals, medicinals and as a culinary ingredient. We currently have two salvias that are both ornamental and medicinal. Salvia Hians, or Kashmir sage, is native to the Himalayas and used as a tea and stimulant. The other is S. Miltorhizzia, or Dan Shen, which is the species used inTCM. Both have a similar habit, bushy, solitary plants putting up a spike of blue tubular flowers that terminate as a pair of lips. The roots are a striking red, indicating its medicinal constituents, and giving it its other common name, red sage. Easy to grow in full sun and well drained soil. Beautiful and important plants.