Astilbes (Saxifragae) False goat’s beard or False Spirea

Hardy plants native to North America and Asia with many species and a dizzying number of cultivars ranging from 5in. to 5ft. They do best in light shade or full sun and moisture retentive soils. The flowers rise in plumes in an array of colors from neatly cut foliage that can be tall and wispy or tidy and compact. Make nice cut flowers and dry nicely. A top notch perennial for our northern gardens with a variety for all situations.

Below is a list of our selections, check for availability. They are grouped by the tall hybrids flowering in July to August and the chinensis group with thick leaves and more narrow flower clusters and more compact plants.

Tall Hybrids: Amethyst - Upright, purple-pink blooms, 30-36in. August Light - Rosy plumes with bronze foliage, July-Aug, 18in. Bonn - Very dense spikes of pink flowers, 18-24in. Bridal Veil - Full and feathery white plumes, 30in. Cattleya - Very impressive, tall, rose-pink flower clusters 36in. Diamond - Bright white plumes in late July, stem marked red, 36in. Fanal - Red plumes with red stems, early July, 24in. Grete Pungel - Tall, nodding pink plumes with red stems, 36in. Montgomery - Blood red spikes, 24in. Peach Blossom - Pale pink flowers 24in. Rhineland - Pink blooms in late June and early July, 24in. Spinell - Bright red blooms on red stems, late July, 36in. White Gloria - Dense, creamy-white spires, 24in.

Chinensis Group Finale - Soft lavender plumes, last to bloom, Aug-Sept, 36in. Purple Candle - Purple flowers on dark stems, July-Aug, 36in. Serenade - Rose-pink blooms, bronzy foliage, late July 18in Visions - Sturdy, purple-pink spires, early July, 18in.

This collection and descriptions comes courtesy Don and Lela Avery who let me dig out their old collection of astilbes at Cady’s Falls Gardens. The photo below is from their gardens.


Asparagus Verticillatus (Liliaceae) - Vining Asparagus


Astragalus membranaceus (Leguminosae) - Milk Vetch