Echinaceae (Compositae) - Coneflower

Purple coneflower is the classic ornamental and medicinal plant and one of the inspirations for this nursery. The idea of medicinal landscaping. A beautiful native plant that blooms for two months in late summer and, with breeding, in a wide range of colors. Likes full sun, rich, well drained, and limed soils.The roots are a traditional medicinal used for a wide range of ailments and as a general immune system stimulant. We carry three species: Purpurea, the more common and where all the ornamental breeding originates; angustifolia, with the highest medicinal properties; and Tennesseensis, the only echinacea native to the East coast. Both the angustifolia and the Tennesseensis are tap rooted, instead of clumping, and will send its roots deep into the soil, mining micronutrients. We also have some ornamental cultivars.


Dodecatheon Hendersonii (Primulaceae) - American primrose


Echinops Bannaticus (Asteraceae) - Globe thistle